How do I get started?
If you’re new to rowing, you should consider our Learn to Row classes which we have for both Juniors and Adults. No rowing experience is necessary and it's a great introduction to sculling.
A great way to decide if you're interested in signing up for the month-long Learn to Row class is to come down to our boathouse for National Learn to Row Day on June 6, 2020, 9am-11am. We'll be giving boathouse tours, showing the basics of rowing, and you'll have the opportunity to go out in a boat with club members.
If you're an experienced rower, with your own boat or looking to use club equipment, we have a few membership options available.
The prices for our programs, membership, and boat storage are listed here.
Do I have to become a member in order to be able to participate in one of the club's programs?
No. It's not necessary to become a member in order to participate in a Program. However, if you complete Learn to Row and decide you want to continue rowing on your own, you can become a member for the remainder of the season for an additional $100.
Will I get wet?
Yes. We do not have a dock so when launching your boat, it requires wading into the water, usually just knee deep. If you're participating in Learn to Row, we will put you out in very stable boats made for beginners which are very difficult to tip. For experienced rowers, using lighter boats, tipping is a possibility, although it's usually a rare occurrence. If you're concerned about tipping, here is a good video showing how to get back into a boat.
Do I need to know how to swim?
Yes. You don't have to be able to swim long distances, but flipping is a possibility, and you need to be able to tread water or swim your boat to shore.
Should I be in good physical condition to start rowing?
While rowing is regarded as low impact, you need to be prepared as well. Some organizations ask you to perform a simple three part assessment of your own:
1. Lift 30 lbs. over your head two times. You will need to help carry a sometimes bulky boat.
2. Do a deep knee bend at least twice. Your legs are an essential part of rowing.
3. Get up from a sitting position on the floor. Your hands can touch but not your knees.
You have to get in and out of the boat in shallow water.
Please consider rowing as only one component of your physical health. It’s always a good idea to check with your doctor before beginning any new exercise program.
If it’s raining, do we still row?
Yes, we do row in the rain. Instructional programs meet as scheduled, rain or shine. If severe lightning, wind, fog, or storms are present, the coach may make the decision to stay off the water. If you're rowing on your own, you should always be aware of possible weather conditions, especially lightning or high wind and avoid rowing then.
What should I wear?
Always dress in layers and make sure you are able to shed layers easily as you begin to warm up. Clothing should be both comfortable and tight. Like cycling clothing, it should allow you to move freely, but should not be baggy. Baggy pants, shorts, shirts and especially sweatshirts tend to get stuck in the sliding seat or oars.
Are there shower/locker rooms at ARC?
No, the only amenity available is a portable toilet inside the boatyard. There is a curtained-off area in the back of the boathouse where you can change clothing if needed.
Are my personal belongings secure?
No, all participants are advised to leave any valuables in their cars to ensure the security of their personal items. ARC is not responsible for items stolen from the boathouse or the parking lot. Please take appropriate measures to protect your belongings. You may bring a very small dry bag to bring your keys and wallet with you in the rowing shell.
what's the difference between sculling, rowing and sweeping?
Rowing is the general term to describe sculling or sweep rowing.
According to USRowing: "Athletes with two oars – one in each hand – are scullers. There are three sculling events: the single – 1x (one person), the double – 2x (two people) and the quad – 4x (four people).
Athletes with only one oar are sweep rowers. Sweep boats may or may not carry a coxswain (pronounced cox-n) to steer and be the on-the-water coach. In boats without coxswains, one of the rowers steers by moving the rudder with his or her foot. Sweep rowers come in pairs with a coxswain (2+) and pairs without (2-), fours with a coxswain (4+) and fours without (4-) and the eight (8+), which always carries a coxswain. The eight is the fastest boat on the water. A world-level men's eight is capable of moving almost 14 miles per hour."
At ARC, we mainly have sculling boats available for club member use, although we do own a few sweep boats.
What boats does the club have?
The club's fleet includes over twenty shells. There are light-, mid- and heavyweight Peinert singles for men and women. Maas Aeros for rougher conditions and novice rowers. There are also light and mid weight Swift singles. Light-, mid- and heavyweight doubles are made by Hudson. We also have a coxed quad/4 and a cox-less quad rigged.
Do I have to take a swim test?
A swim test is not required however you must sign a waiver stating your ability to swim when joining the club. Learn to row programs include lessons in recovering from an accidental swim when rowing.
How can I Make an individual donation?
Supporting ARC and NHCR ensures continuing our good work for years to come. And Amoskeag Rowing Club is a 501(c) 3 charitable organization so it's tax deductible!
To ensure that 100% of your donation goes to supporting Amoskeag Rowing Club, pay by check, made out to Amoskeag Rowing Club, and send to:
Amoskeag Rowing Club
PO Box 4233
Concord NH 03302